
Functions in Twig can be used to generate content. They are called by there name followed by parentheses and within the parentheses they may have one or more arguments.

List of available functions


Used to access a "dynamic" attribute of a variable. It's useful if the attribute has punctuation in it like a dash as that can cause issues with using the . notation of getting attributes.

{{ attribute(array, key) }}

Learn more about the attribute function


Allows you compare the modified on date for the page with the "If-Modified-Since" header in the request to see if a "304 Not Modified" http status code should be returned. If the "If-Modified-Since" date sent from the browser in the request is the same as the "last modified" date of the page then a 304 http status code is automatically set, no content is returned and the response is sent. 

{% do compare_modified_date() %}

Learn more about the compare_modified_date function


Cycles through an array of values. Useful for alternating values within a loop.

{% for item in items %}
    <p class="{{ cycle(['odd', 'even'], loop.index0) }}">{{ item.itemName }}</p>
{% endfor %}

Learn more about the cycle function


Outputs the contents of a variable for debugging. The data is formatted and styled in a BranchCMS HTML element.   If not variable is passed then all variables in the current context will be outputted.

{# Output one variable #}
{{ debug(variable) }}

{# Output multiple variables #}
{{ debug(variable, anotherVar, yetAnotherVar) }}

{# Output all variables #}
{{ debug() }}


Allows you to set an HTTP header for the response. 

{% do header('Pragma', 'cache') %}

Learn more about the header function


Sets an HTTP response status code.

{% do http_response_code(404) %}

Learn more about the http_response_code function


Parses a URL and returns either an array of the different URL parts or a single value if a specific URL part is specified.

{% set url = parse_url( %}

Learn more about the parse_url function


Parses a file path and returns either an array of the different file path parts or a single value if a specific file path part is specified.

{% set fileParts = path_info(item.image.value) %}

Learn more about the path_info function


Returns a random value depending on the supplied parameter type.

{{ random(['bike', 'train', 'car']) }}
{{ random('ZYX') }}
{{ random() }}
{{ random(5) }}

Learn more about the random function


Returns a random string of letters for the specified length. The letters could be uppercase and lowercase.

{{ random_letters(10) }}
{# Outputs a random string of letters 10 characters long #}

Learn more about the random_letters function


Returns a random string of numbers for the specified length.

{{ random_number(4) }}
{# Outputs a random number 4 characters long #}

Learn more about the random_number function


Returns a random string of letters and/or numbers for the specified length. The letters could be uppercase and lowercase.

{{ random_string(6) }}
{# Outputs a random string of letters and/or numbers 6 characters long #}

Learn more about the random_string function


Returns an array containing an arithmetic progression of integers.

{% for i in range(0, 3) %}
{{ i }},
{% endfor %}

Learn more about the range function


Allows you to redirect to another URL.

{% do redirect('') %}

Learn more about the redirect function


Only used when setting values for an API attribute such as

  • Multi-Select Box using data from an App API call
  • Multiple Checkboxes using data from an App API call
  • Select Menu using data from an App API call

{% for post in posts %}
{% set_api_attribute_value(, post.postTitle) %}
{% endfor %}

Learn more about the set_api_attribute_value function