Uploading Files

File upload buttons are used often within apps and custom page layouts. For example, a file upload button can be used in order to upload a catalog for a store that will appear at a specific spot in a page layout. 

To upload a file through an upload button, click Choose a file. You can upload a file by choosing a file on your computer to upload.

Choose file.

Click on Choose file and pick the file you would like to upload. When you have selected the file, click open in the browser window.

Click on Upload selected file to begin the file upload.

If you want to choose a different file after the upload is complete, click Choose a different file and follow the same steps as above.

File Upload: Choose a Different File

Instead of uploading a file from your computer, you can choose a file that is already on your server. To do this, click Choose a file. Within that window, click on Browse the server

File Browser Overview

For a more detailed explanation of the file browser, visit the File Browser Documentation.

Hover over the file you would like to use and click Use this file. If you want to use a different file, click Choose a different file and follow the same steps as above.