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Introducing Content Snippets

in BranchCMS Upgrades
If you've edited any pages in your website recently you might have noticed a new section of Pages called Content Snippets. I'm going to explain what Content Snippets are, why we created them and what you can do with them. Content Snippets do pretty much what their name says, they let you create snippets of content to use in other parts of your website. The difference between Content Snippets and…

Include More Campaign Information in Your Email Newsletters

in BranchCMS Upgrades
When you're creating emails using Aptuitiv Studio Campaigns you can now include information about the campaign in each email.  That information includes: Campaign Name Email Subject From Email From Name Reply-to Email You can see more information about the available tags for Campaigns in our documentation.

View a Campaign Email in Your Browser

in BranchCMS Upgrades
Our Campaigns app is still relatively new and we've been working hard to add new features to make it a more robust email campaign tool. With that goal in mind, we've recently added the ability for the campaign recipients to view a copy of the email in their browser. All you have to do to enable that is to put a simple link in your email template. <a href="{#campaign.webversion}">View in your…

Updated Add-On App Information

in General
We've been working on updating our website and recently updated the add-on apps that are listed on our site. Just recently we finished upgrading the last add-on app from version 2 to version 3 of Aptuitiv Studio. You can see the information for add-on apps here. The information presented is a high-level view of each app. We're working on adding more detailed information. As of right now we have 10…

A Small Change to Editing App Layouts That Makes Things a Little Easier

in BranchCMS Upgrades
Last week we introduced a small change to editing app layouts that should make things easier. In the past if you needed to change the template that an app layout used you had to create a whole new layout. That's not a terrible thing, but it was a bit inconvenient. We changed all that and made it so that when you edit an app layout you can now edit the template that the layout uses. When you change…

New Attribute to Select a Form to Include on a Page

in BranchCMS Upgrades
One of the major features of Aptuitiv Studio is the ability to create custom administration forms for pages and apps to fit the data requirements of a particular website. For example, if you have a page that needs more structured content then a rich text editor can provide, you can create a Content Block Layout for pages and create the form fields that you need. There are the standard fields like…

Recent Updates to Forms - BCC Notifications and Attachments

in BranchCMS Upgrades
We just published 2 small updates to the Forms app in Aptuitiv Studio. The first allows you to set one or more BCC email addresses for the administrator notification email.  The other allows you to choose whether or not you want to automatically include file attachments on the administrator notification email. BCC Email Address You can now set one or more email addresses to be BCC'd on the…

Sliced Design Becomes Plus Partner

in Partner News
A big congratulations goes out to Sliced Design who this month has become an Aptuitiv Plus partner! Now that they've reached the Plus partner level they get to enjoy even more benefits of being an Aptuitiv partner. Here is the Plus partner plan in a nut shell: 15% discount on partner pricing. Discount on Aptuitiv service pricing. Enhanced listing on (logo, Name, Website, Country…

An SEO Improvement - Character Counting for Description, Keywords and Page Titles

in BranchCMS Upgrades
As any good search engine optimization practitioner knows, the title tag and meta description for a page are important for how your website performs in search engines. While the actual text for the title and meta description are the most important factors, the length of the text is also important.  We've now made it really easy to know how long your page titles and meta descriptions are. When…

Delete Files Attached to a Form Submission

in BranchCMS Upgrades
We just published a small update to the form functionality in Aptuitiv Studio. If you have a form where your website visitors can upload files, the only way that you could remove those files from your website was to delete the entire form submission. Not anymore. Now you can delete individual files associated with a form submission without having to delete the entire submission. When viewing the…
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