
BranchCMS Upgrades

Eric Tompkins
Feb 19, 2010

New Tags Available in Content Templates

We've recently added support for some new tags in app content templates.

What are Content Templates?

Content Templates are what gives Aptuitiv Studio the flexibility and power that is has.  It allows developers to create unique layouts for each aspect of a site.  Content Templates use our own AP Code to perform logic and create the output for each page.  There's a whole lot more to it, but that's the high-level overview.

Also, when I say Content Template I'm also referring to Navigation Layouts, Widget Templates and Page Content Block Templates.

Ok, on to the new tags.

Support for "ap" tags.

AP Tags were previously only available in Templates and Snippets. AP Tags let you output dates, time and redirect to other pages.  Well, you can now use them just about anywhere.  By enabling support for AP Tags in Content Templates you can do things like conditional redirects where you only redirect to another page if a certain condition is met.  Although not as useful, you could also display the current date and time in a content block.

Global Tags

While Global tags have been around for a little while it hasn't been covered yet and since we just added two new tags, now is a good time.

Global Tags are a set of tags that are available on every Content Template, Navigation Template, Widget Template and Page Content Block Layout Templates. They are accessed under the following tag {#global}.

Before today they were mostly useful for working with public user accounts. You could see if a user was logged in and if so you could get their name.

Today we added two new variables called {#global.request.get} and {}.


The {#global.request.get} tag holds any query parameters in the URL.  These are anything after the ? in the URL.  These are also know as GET request parameters.

Example URL:
With the above URL the "msg" parameter would be available as {#global.request.get.msg} and that tag would output "hello".


The {} tag holds any POST parameters.  These values would be the result of a form submitted. 

Admittedly this isn't super useful right now, but in the near future you could possibly use this to create a landing page for a form that can output some of the information that was submitted.

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